The Center for Holocaust, Genocide, and 

Human Rights ​Education of North Carolina 

Holocaust Speakers Bureau 

2020 Poster Contest Winners

1st place

Olivia Todd (Connect the Stars)

Wake Forest High School, Wake Forest, NC

 Teacher: Bettina Pope



The Center For Holocaust, Genocide, And Human Rights Education Of North Carolina
is pleased to announce the winners of our 2nd poster competition.

2020 contest theme:
Courage, Compassion and Hope: Lessons from the Holocaust.

We applaud all of the contestants and thank them for their thoughtful, well executed entries.

Congratulations to our 2020 winners!

2nd place:

Amaryna Chapman (A New Day)

Alexander Central High School, Taylorsville, NC

 Teacher: Josh Hartis

1st place:

Suin Kpa (Piecing Together)

Lakewood Montessori School, Durham, NC

Teacher: Christy Brooks

2nd place:

Audrey Scott (Behind Closed Doors)

Lakewood Montessori School, Durham, NC

 Teacher: Christy Brooks

High School
