Antisemitism, Holocaust Distortion and Denial

The Center for Holocaust, Genocide, and 

Human Rights ​Education of North Carolina 

Holocaust Speakers Bureau 

Resources to Counter Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial:      

These organizations offer educators curriculum support and resources to address incidents of hate and bias in their school community.

Holocaust Denial: How Teachers Can Turn the Tide:

Research released by the Claims Conference found that 49% of U.S. millennials and generation Z have seen Holocaust denial or distortion content online—and that one in five U.S. millennials and generation Z surveyed in New York believe that Jews caused the Holocaust. This toxic combination of ignorance allied with antisemitic hatred continue to permeate global consciousness, and teachers have an important part to play in turning the tide.        

Tackling Holocaust denial and distortion in the classroom:
​This resource is intended as a guide for teachers who are running Holocaust Memorial Day activities, or teaching about the Holocaust, and outlines how to recognize and address any incidences of Holocaust denial and/or distortion.